You may have noticed our Collagen Coffee blend as well as a number of other beverages and food products containing it. Isn't that the stuff plastic surgeons put in lips?
The nature of everything in the universe is to decay, and our bodies are no exception. Collagen production takes place naturally, as the body replaces cells as it goes. However, over time, a little less collagen production takes place. Cartilage shrinks. Muscles get less supple. Eyesight declines. Hair doesn't grow as fast, as thick, or in some cases, stops growing altogether though some people look pretty cool with a shaved head. It isn't the only reason, but slower collagen production is part of that. It isn't always due to age; genetic and environmental factors come into play as well. But that said, collagen is one of the building blocks of the body. If there's less of it, the body won't work as well. This is why collagen is starting to be looked at as a vital supplement.
Another study found collagen, along with a weightlifting regimen, can restore atrophied muscles in older men that have begun losing muscle to age. There was even a study that found bed sores healed faster with collagen supplementation. The National Institutes of Health has a few studies showing great promise for collagen supplementation. For instance, collagen has been found to improve osteoarthritis and also rheumatoid arthritis. Collagen deficiency has also been correlated with inflammatory bowel disease as well, so collagen is likely to increase gut health. Again, bear in mind that we aren't medical researchers. We just make small-batch roasted coffee and make it better by supplementing it with things that help make people better. That said, the evidence indicates that collagen can help improve a lot of health aspects.
What Is Collagen Coffee?
What is collagen, anyhow? Collagen is a protein that occurs in organic tissues, and there are some good reasons to actually include it in your diet or as a supplement. Bear in mind that this isn't medical advice from a qualified medical professional, but rather a discussion of some readily available information. That said, what is collagen and why should you drink collagen coffee? Let's get into that.Collagen Is The Building Block Of Connective Tissues
Collagen is a protein that takes up most of the space in connective tissues, in between other types of cells.Ever see cement that has a number of other rocks in it and so on? The decorative kind? Other types of cells are like the rocks, collagen is like the cement. However, it's present in basically every type of tissue in the human body. Corneas, blood vessels, the digestive system, spinal discs, dentin (a component of teeth), muscle tissue, ligaments, cartilage, hair, placentas, and skin all contain or are made up largely of collagen. In short, it's one of the major components of organic tissues; it's one of the biggest parts of you, that person to your left (if there is one right now) and so on. If it's such a big part of me, you might wonder, why would I need to ingest more of it?
Collagen Production Slows As We Age

Evidence For Collagen Consumption
Bear in mind that this isn't medical advice, just a discussion of available information. Additionally, research looking at collagen consumption is relatively new so the effects aren't completely understood. That said, there are some promising results. For instance, according to WebMD, a few studies have found skin health has improved with regular doses of ingestible collagen. Subjects were noted for having skin that wasn't as dry, had as many wrinkles and had better blood flow than those not taking it.
Since there are also known benefits to drinking coffee by itself, adding collagen coffee just makes it that much better!